Dadavani Magazine:

The Gnani Is Always Free From Opinions and Prejudice (Guj. Dadavani Nov-2020)

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Published by:
Dada Bhagwan
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
28 pages Saddle-stitched
abhorrence, attachment, awakened awareness, DadaBhagwan, how are opinions formed, how to be free from opinion and prejudice, mind, opinion, Samadhi, self, soul

Absolutely revered Dadashri [also known as Dada Bhagwan] says ‘our’ mind always remains yielded to ‘us’, so ‘we’ don’t ever form an opinion! The mind does not bother ‘us’ in the slightest, all the way until the end. Since the time ‘we’ first saw you, came in contact with you, since then ‘our’ opinion has never changed. Then no matter how much you change, ‘we’ have observed through the inner vision that you are subject to your karma. In the current edition, Dadashri gives the understanding that has been perfected in His experience of how to set jagruti (awakened awareness) where one has opinions for oneself, opinions for things, where one has formed opinions for others, and where others have formed opinions for oneself.

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