Behind the Headlines:

Migrants, Immigrants and Refugees

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Published by:
Cengage Learning
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
46 pages Perfect-bound
asylum, Immigrants, migrants, political refugees, refugees, safe haven

Arizona’s contentious immigration law was only one of the many threats to immigrants in the world. And the threats to people displaced by war or famine are even worse. Yet it is the societies in which these people land that often feel most threatened by migrants, immigrants and refugees. Behind the Headlines’ Migrants, Immigrants and Refugees explores the challenges of a world population on the move. Refugees from political terror, economic immigrants, and individuals seeking a different life presents a mosaic of issues and problems. This book helps students explore the complexity of these issues, including the historical content of immigration; the drivers of immigration; the cultural challenges of absorbing a different community; and responses to large population shifts.

Also in Behind the Headlines

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Behind the Headlines: Migrants, Immigrants and Refugees

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