Behind the Headlines:

Global Economic Crisis

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Published by:
Cengage Learning
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
42 pages Perfect-bound
banking collapse, economy, global economic crisis, great recession, mortgage crisis, pension conflicts, recession

The fallout from what is arguably the worst world economy since the Great Depression has rocked both individuals and countries. The mortgage crisis, bank bailouts, and entire countries on the verge of declaring bankruptcy have dominated the news for several years. Help students connect the microeconomic realities of their own lives with the macroeconomic situation they see on TV. From Iceland and Ireland's potential bankruptcies to the retirement protests in France, Global Economic Crisis provides students with an opportunity to put their situation in the larger context. Key areas of exploration include: the emergence of the economic downturn; how it has played out in different countries around the world; the cultural tensions this engenders as countries have to examine deeply held beliefs that they might not be able to fund; and the role of debt and unemployment.

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Behind the Headlines: Global Economic Crisis

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