Writing with Light

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Published by:
Juliana Muniz
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
50 pages Perfect-bound
B&W Film, creative writing, darkroom, darkroom photography, photo, photography, poetry, Rochester, youth photography

The word photography literally means “writing with light.” August 2019, eleven students came together for a week-long class: Writing with Light. This experience was a collaboration between Flower City Arts Center and Writers & Books. Students created their own fictional stories and poems with a skilled writer and then learned how to create their own black and white photographs with a skilled photographer to illustrate their writing. Throughout the week participants learned how photographs can act as inspiration and how to illustrate their writing with photographs. Participants used 35mm black and white film cameras, and created their own photographic prints in a darkroom. Writing with Light is the result of this collaborative experience.

Other Publications by Juliana Muniz

1 other publication

Writing with Light

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