Dadavani Magazine:

Intense Mental Notes Carry Countless Dangers on the Path to Liberation (Gujarati Dadavani February-2014)

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Published by:
Dada Bhagwan
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
26 pages Perfect-bound
jokhamo, liberation, Mokshmarg, Nondh

Amongst the reasons that obstruct liberation, that Dadashri has described, nondha (an intense mental note) is one mistake that cannot be easily seen. This mistake gets nurtured knowingly or unknowingly, and that is why one is not able to become free from this mistake. Any nondha will create attachment-abhorrence (raag-dwesh). Nondha ‘sees’ the doer, and opinion (abhipraya) ‘sees’ the thing (vastu). As long as nondha remains, there will be partiality towards the pudgal (non-Self complex) for sure; there the authority will be of the pudgal. How is this intense mental note actually made? It is made whenever the slightest aversion arises to the self, at the hand of a nimit (someone instrumental). When aversion happens but nondha is not made, then liberation will happen. It is a step towards liberation (moksha).

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