Wing Chun Illustrated:

Issue 43: Aug 2018

  • Details
  • Description
Published by:
Wing Chun Illustrated
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
64 pages Perfect-bound
Sports & Leisure
gung fu, ip man, Kleber Battaglia, kung fu, martial arts, Ving Tsun, wing chun, Wing Tjun, Wing Tsun, Wing Tsung, Yip Man

Issue 43 of Wing Chun Illustrated features Sifu Kleber Battaglia on the cover. With 30 years of training in a range of martial arts including Jiu-Jitsu, Kali, Silat, and Western Boxing, Sifu Kleber brings a refreshing perspective to the origins and purpose of Chinese Kung Fu, breaking the myth and mystique behind traditional martial arts with historical and scientific evidence. Since 2010, he has made China his home, serving as the regional director of Practical Wing Chun China, under his Sifu, Grandmaster Wan Kam Leung, while travelling around the country to learn from the last generation of Chinese masters still alive.

Also in Wing Chun Illustrated

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Wing Chun Illustrated: Issue 43: Aug 2018

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