DIOGEN pro culture magazine No 88, July/August 2018

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Published by:
Sabahudin Hadzialic
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
170 pages Perfect-bound
DIOGEN pro culture, Ray Monde

DIOGEN pro culture magazine No 88, July/August 2018....Mondeism for us

From that moment when my freedom begins to endanger freedom of the other and different one, this freedom ceases to be freedom and becomes bloody anarchy. At the same time, there is nothing nobler than the attainment of the freedom of all for all with the goal of unifying the civilization to which we belong within the targeted concern for humanity per se.

Of course, we will never achieve absolute freedom because my absolute freedom of de jure and de facto really endangers the freedom of others, but there is nothing more beautiful than to strive toward the aforementioned, creating the free-thinking individuals who, with their artistic achievements, are inspirational for us, others, no matter how much we tried to be original, and not a copy of pale intent.

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DIOGEN: DIOGEN pro culture magazine No 88, July/August 2018

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