Wayside: The Art of High Speed Photography

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Published by:
Najib Joe Hakim
Square / 8" x 8"
48 pages Perfect-bound
abstract, art photography, hills, landscape, mountains, nature, photo, photography, trees

Zipping on the highways and byways of California and Virginia, I point my camera out the passenger-side window and shoot the landscapes with lazy shutter speeds.

At speeds sometimes approaching 85 mph, distracting details are obliterated, shapes distorted and colors transformed in these 19 photos. As a result, we may, if you will, see the forest without the obscuring trees.

By emphasizing atmosphere, color, light, movement over detail and form in this way, I hope to make the viewer feel it is not so much time that is passing, but s/he themselves speeding by the wayside.

Other Publications by Najib Joe Hakim

2 other publications

Wayside: The Art of High Speed Photography

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