Conceptual Magazine :

Conceptual Magazine Issue 014 Volume 1

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Published by:
Conceptual Magazine
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
86 pages Perfect-bound
art, artist, Beauty, conceptual art, Conceptual Magazine, conceptual photography, Fairy, fantasy, fashion design, Indie Magazine, Magazine, makeup, model, Nude Photography, photography

Conceptual Magazine is a monthly, luxury, international art magazine dedicated to promoting the work of talented emerging and seasoned artists. In each issue, we feature artists and influencers who have excelled in their art and/or on their submission to that specific issue. Most of the artwork on our pages is fantastical and surreal in some way. We love everything beautiful, even the beauty found in darkness and fantasy worlds only imaginable in the minds of creatives. Our issues are carefully curated and hence, beautiful beyond words. They are worthy of collection and love.

In this Volume (1) of Issue 014, we feature the following artists and their team of collaborators: Amy Skrocki, Becky Golder (ON COVER), Bryan Page, Julia Ramirez, Karla Elizabeth, Linda Vang, Kelsi Nick. Our Spotlight for Inspiration interviews include, model Pure Rebel (Kristy) and Xiaolin, interviewed by the marvelous Yinsey Wang! We feature art based around the themes of Adornments of Glory and Green Velvet.

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Conceptual Magazine : Conceptual Magazine Issue 014 Volume 1

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