DIOGEN pro culture magazine No 82, December 2017

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Published by:
Sabahudin Hadzialic
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
88 pages Saddle-stitched
Nurseren Tor

DIOGEN pro culture magazine No 82, December 2017...The warmth of sincere possibilities

That the simplicity of art expression often is nothing more than the perfection of possible statements of its own inward, certainly confirm the messages directed towards our senses by the artist Nurseren Tor. The warmth of sincere possibilities is perpetuated in her acts, which gravitates to an expression that shows a personality that has not yet been fully expressed, but only until reaches to our senses. At that moment the work does not belong any more to the author, but to us, who take over the messages trying to find a part of us within it. Sometimes we succeed, sometimes we don’t, depending on how we are willing (read: connoisseurs) to be the most absorbing factor of the artwork-as observers but also creators of surplus value....

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DIOGEN: DIOGEN pro culture magazine No 82, December 2017

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