Cultural Connections:

Cultural Connections Teacher Guide

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Published by:
WeeFolkArt Publications
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
20 pages Saddle-stitched
Crafts, education, elementary, games, geography, homeschool, literature, maps, music, school, Science Activities, teacher, unit study

Join us as we explore different countries and cultures. This Teacher Guide includes all the basic journal pages, worksheets, and information on how to complete each Cultural Connection unit. It also includes the Student Passport project. You only need one Teacher Guide.

This same guide will work for all Cultural Connections units. It includes the printable journal, planner, and worksheet pages, as well as the details on how to use the units. We have chosen to create a separate Teacher’s Guide so that we do not have to include the same printables again and again. In the long run this saves you money by not having to pay for the same printed pages repetitively.

Also in Cultural Connections

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Cultural Connections: Cultural Connections Teacher Guide

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