West Virginia:

Issue 1

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Published by:
Forrest MacCormack
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
52 pages Perfect-bound
4X5, Canaan Valley, Davis, Elkins, fall, fall colors, Harman, Medium Format, night photography, Seneca Rocks, Thomas, travel, West Virginia, WV

A true West Virginian can show or point out to you the general direction of "yonder” - which is a true southern expression. West Virginia is considered the southern most northern state and the northern most southern state. However, West Virginia is officially a southern state. Nearly 75% of the state is covered by forests - hence why the state is called “Wild and Wonderful”. 15% of the nation's total coal production comes from there and we photographed a relatively new and clean energy source to the state - wind powered generators near Thomas.

These photos were made in the north east region of West Virginia from October 22 -24, 2010. Friend and fellow photographer Joshua Roberts accompanied me on the trip. We went to West Virginia to get out and make images with our cameras and perhaps come back with some memorable experiences and photos. I think the trip was a success.

West Virginia: Issue 1

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