Handbooks from Futurelab:

Using digital technologies to promote inclusive practices in education

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Published by:
Futurelab Education
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
76 pages Saddle-stitched
Digital, education, inclusion, practice, school, technology

The purpose of the handbook is to provide educators with guidance on using digital technologies to promote inclusive practices in schools and colleges. In so doing, the handbook addresses key educational agendas such as personalisation as reflected in the Gilbert Review, the FE White Paper, Every Child Matters, Extended Schools and the Children’s Plan.

Case studies have been chosen to illustrate the potential impact digital technologies can make by widening access to learning and making possible new approaches to learning.

This report: summarises the evidence from research, policy and practice for the promotion of inclusive practices in schools and the FE sector; highlights current inclusive practice and the role digital technologies can play in supporting learners; provides useful guidance on developing inclusive activities; and provides a directory of resources to promote inclusive practices across the education sectors.

Also in Handbooks from Futurelab

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Handbooks from Futurelab: Using digital technologies to promote inclusiv...

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