Wing Chun Illustrated:

Issue 30: June 2016

  • Details
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Published by:
Wing Chun Illustrated
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
64 pages Perfect-bound
Sports & Leisure
Elmond Leung, gung fu, ip man, kung fu, martial arts, Ving Tsun, wing chun, Wing Tjun, Wing Tsun, Wing Tsung, Yip Man

Issue 30 of Wing Chun Illustrated features Sifu Elmond Leung on the cover. The Wing Tsun system has been made famous mostly by its European practitioners. However, Sifu Leung, now in his late sixties, is one of the hidden gems of Leung Ting’s Wing Tsun in the Western world. Originally a student of the late Grandmaster Ip Man, Sifu Leung is a quiet, yet skilful gentleman of the Wing Tsun community. His unimposing build and manner belie the fact he is one of the most knowledgeable and senior exponents of the art in North America.

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Wing Chun Illustrated: Issue 30: June 2016

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