Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture:

Many Witnesses to a Marvelous Work

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Published by:
Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship
Digest / 5.25" x 8.25"
20 pages Saddle-stitched
apologetics, Book of Mormon, lds, mormon, Mormonism, plates

Review of Dennis Largey, Andrew Hedges, John Hilton III, and Kerry Hull, eds. The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon: A Marvelous Work and a Wonder, Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, in cooperation with Deseret Book Company, Salt Lake City, 2015, pp 308.

Abstract: At the end of October each year, speakers from the Church Educational System, as well as other gospel scholars, gather at Brigham Young University to make presentations at the Sidney B. Sperry Symposium. The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon: A Marvelous Work and a Wonder is a compilation of the addresses given at the forty-fourth symposium, in 2015. This volume does not so much delve into the doctrine of the Book of Mormon as it studies the history behind its coming into the world. Just as the doctrine itself is inspirational, the story behind the coming forth of the Book of Mormon serves as an inspiration and a testament to its truthfulness.

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Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture: Many Witnesses to a Marvelou...

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