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Published by:
i dress therefore i am
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
96 pages Perfect-bound
Fashion & Style
art, Beauty, collaboration, fashion, fashion week, headshots, idress, idress project, la, Lifestyle, look book, Natural, nyc, photography, reality, self-styled, street style, Style, stylist, urban

At idress we curate fashion photography and unlike other fashion curators (blogs, magazines, museums, etc.) we focus on self-styled, self-photographed real people. "The Idress Project" combines self-expression and self-publishing in a collaborative effort during fashion week. For 7 days our participants (djs, chauffeurs, sculptors, managers, bookworms, teachers, writers, mothers, fathers, students, painters, chefs, designers, musicians, surfers, bankers, waiters, gardeners, retailers, juice extractors, personal trainers, etc.) moonlight as contributors, muses, editors, photographers and stylists through their authentic selves in their everyday clothes. Everyone is connected through friends, family, colleagues and contacts.

Also in i dress therefore i am

1 other publication

i dress therefore i am: spring 2010

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