Certa Magazine:

Certa Magazine March /2016

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Published by:
Latoya Donaldson
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
42 pages Perfect-bound
Fashion & Style
Betties Wardrobe, events, fashion, food, Jacksonville, love, models, NewYork, peace, Wilding

CERTA MAG is Jacksonville’s newest local magazine looking to shine some light on America’s largest city (land-wise) but with a New York City voice. We here at CERTA want to give you, the reader, a little taste of everything from entertainment to food to local happenings around town. Whether you are a Jacksonville native or just passing through, we hope to give you a little taste of our great city, literally. Not only do we have a great variety of articles pertaining to the everyday woman, but we also offer a snapshot of the latest trends coming out of the world’s fashion Capital

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Certa Magazine: Certa Magazine March /2016

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