February 2016:

Glamour Issue 27-2

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Published by:
Promo Magazine | NYC
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
88 pages Perfect-bound
Fashion & Style
2016, fashion, February, Glamour, photography, promo magazine, Style, stylist, vogue

I always say Promo Magazines’ mission is that we’re for a young woman’s whole real life. We have a very particular fashion point of view and we’re there for her through her fashion obsessions, her beauty obsessions, but we are also interested in all the other parts of her life. Promo is really meant to feel like the conversation that women have when they’re at their brunch table together, when guys aren’t around and you’re talking about, “Oh my god, look at your shoes,” and “Ugh, what should I wear at my job interview tomorrow?” But you’re also talking about career aspirations, how to deal with your awkward boss and, of course, all the wicked gossip of your dating life.

Also in February 2016

1 other publication

February 2016: Glamour Issue 27-2

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