Your Law Firm P.C. (yourlawfirm09)

Contact Info:

Address: 12540 Broadwell Rd, Suite 2201, Office #3, Milton, GA 30004

Phone Number: +1 770-580-3699

Business Email:

Description: We are a People First Law Firm. We are committed to assisting our clients with overcoming the obstacles they encounter in life. Anything from a traffic ticket to a divorce may impede our client's forward progress, so we strive to fight according to each individual's personal definition of winning. Through this process, we prioritize creating positive outcomes which benefit all involved parties. Our main aim is to empower our clients with tailored legal assistance and support when they are in a difficult situation. We not only want our clients to win, but we strive for them to be taken care of throughout the entire process. That's why we fight tenaciously for what matters most to them— it's our top priority.

Keyword: Adoption Attorney

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Number of employees: 2

Year Founded: 2014