Hjelm Hong (whalemonkey3)

East Africa Travel - Facts About Uganda

Uganda is the smallest country in East Africa with an area of 236,040 square kilometers. Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania form the East African countries. The three countries share Lake Victoria (the biggest lake in Africa). It is a land-locked country which has a population of over thirty million people and many ethnic groups. It is bordered by The Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan and Tanzania. This country gained independence in 1962. The dictatorship of Idi Amin, between 1971-1979 left over 3000,000 people dead. During Milton Obote regime between 1980 - 1985, over 1000,000 local people were killed. During these two periods, the country's economy was badly affected.

English is the official language in Uganda which is widely used in schools, law courts, newspapers and in radio stations. The safety of this country is explained by the friendly local people. The roads are relatively good and there are excellent national parks with abundant wildlife. This country is the most famous for mountain gorilla tracking in Africa. Over half of the world remaining mountain Gorilla are found in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. Other than the mountain Gorilla, you will also see the chimpanzee, various wild animals and over 600 species of birds.

Uganda has a tropical climate and two dry seasons (December to February and June to August). The country receives regular rain throughout the year. Due to the fertile soil in the country, agriculture is the leading sector, coffee being the main export. Natural resources include copper and cobalt, while it has untapped sites of crude oil and natural gas. This country entirely depend on Kenya for access to international markets. It is also a member of the planned East African Federation.

About 41.9 percent of Uganda's population are Roman Catholics, 35.9 percent are protestants, 12 percent are Muslims and the lest of the population are indigenous beliefs. About 70 percent of the population are said to be illiterate and 4.1 of the population are believed to have HIV/AIDS. This makes Uganda the leading country in Africa to have rare HIV success story. The reason behind this is the practice of monogamy and openness. The practice of modern contraceptive is also low.

Uganda has a rich culture due to the many ethic groups. A travel to this land locked country will include a visit to one of the itineraries. The major sports in this country include; cricket, football, Safari Rally and hockey. Respect for human rights has greatly improved since Yoweri Museveni became the President. The economy has also greatly improved.

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