Tarot Card Reading Oklahoma City (tarotshufflnyt55)
Contact Address: 511 NW 23rd St, Oklahoma City, OK 73103 Phone (405) 500-2465 About US: The origins of the tarot are lost in the mist of time. We do know they existed hundreds of years ago and originally slate or stone was used to depict the seventy eight cards. Some felt the tarot originated in China and others felt it was Egypt. When cardboard was invented, the Tarot was soon depicted using that media, similar to modern day tarot cards. Only the Courtiers were allowed to use them at first and they often depicted their own family as the characters of the tarot. The church tried to ban the Tarot but in spite of this, it eventually spread across Europe and into France and eventually into the U.K. Religion and Psychics haven’t always seen eye to eye. The cards are shuffled and dealt out into different patterns, these are called spreads. They have different names, for instance the Calendar spread will tell you your future year ahead. The cards are dealt out forming a circle starting at nine o’clock and going anti clockwise, there is one card for each month and the thirteen card goes in the middle. This middle card is quite important as it is the summing of the next twelve months. At Tarot Card Reading Oklahoma City however we will tailor your reading depending what type of reading you want. The type of tarot card reading that you want will mean a change in the spread that is used. During the Tarot reading, you can ask the Tarot specific questions and Elizabeth will interpret the answer using her psychic ability. Call us at (405) 500-2465 Related Searches: Tarot card reading, best tarot card reading, tarot card reader, best tarot card reader, tarot card reading online, tarot cards online, love tarot reading, tarot reading, tarot reading online, best tarot reading online, romantic tarot reading, finance tarot reading, Oklahoma City, OK. Additional Details Hours: 24h Payment method: credit card GMB