Powers Kruse (pizzameat24)

Uganda - A Great Tourist Destination

Uganda is located in the heart of sub-Saharan Africa and lies astride the Equator with 18% of the total land area covered by fresh water bodies and swamps, and 12% national parks, forests and game reserves giving it richly diverse habitats with lake shores, Nile river banks, and Albertine Rift Valley forests.

Uganda offers amazing wildlife safaris, the rare mountain gorillas and cultural tourism attractions found nowhere else in Africa, weaving its spell the moment you leave the plane at the Entebbe international Airport to set foot on the forested shore of lake Victoria, the second largest fresh water body in the world. From Entebbe, a short drive leads to Kampala, the capital city with world- class hotels and restaurants.

In Uganda you can discover the wild romantic Africa of your dreams. National park authorities have shaped an Eden of wildlife asylums and local people who speak excellent English are cordial hosts to a budding ecotourism industry. International quality hotels exist in most large towns and national parks with mid-range and budget accommodation available in all main tourist centers. Hotels and restaurants serve good western food, though a wider range of local cuisine is available.

Bwindi Impenetrable national park with its heavily forested and dense landscape is famous for the rare mountain gorillas. The time taken to track these gorillas is unpredictable but an encounter of these primates is a worthwhile. The adventure of spending time with and scrutinizing these gentle giants is a peculiar, moving, awesome and exciting adventure that will leave you with long-lasting reminiscences of a truly unique experience. The gorillas are introverted and peaceful animals and it is an unforgettable experience to watch and photograph them as they play and interact.

Travel to Uganda is also much more than gorillas. National parks such as Queen Elizabeth and Murchison falls national parks protect woodland habitats with big game including elephant, buffalo, leopard, hippo, lions and a variety of bird species. Uganda boasts of more than half of the bird species found in Africa. You will see rarities like the shoe bill stork, Albertine rift endemics, aquatic birds, swamp dwellers, forest birds and many more.

Crown your safari adventure with a visit to the local craft shops for souvenirs and gifts to take back home. Undiscovered by many travelers, you will leave with a memorable wildlife experience and you will find that one visit to the region is not enoug

Uganda Health Jobs