Gary Berman (Gary-Berman)

Gary is the CEO of Cyberman Security and refers to himself as, “the most reluctant cyber security person in the world” given that his 25-year career has been as a thought leader in marketing communications in general and in market segmentation in particular. Until recently, he knew very little about technology and even less about cyber security, but everything about the devastating effects of being the CEO of a company that was victimized by a persistent series of insider attacks. Gary has decided to pivot from being a victim to becoming an advocate to help keep others from suffering the life-altering consequences of being hacked. The vehicle is a super hero comic and animated platform entitled, “The CyberHero Adventures: Defenders of the Digital Universe”. Gary began his career as the Founder & CEO of Market Segment Research, a leading firm specializing in the demassification of American marketing. Clients incuded AT&T, Best Buy, Ford, General Motors, P&G, The White House and many other Fortune 500 firms. Gary sold a portion of his company to the WPP Group based out of London. Gary also was the Executive Director of The Anthem Project, a real estate project to help America’s warriors to reintegrate into civil society. He also co-founded Grasp Learning, an after-school tutoring program