fgdfserers serersrse (dfsesesef)




LGBTQ.ONE is a Diverse & Inclusive Technology company.We utilize PWAtechnology to reach out to more than 490,000 LGBTQ community members here in Arizona who use ourPWA’s to find LGBTQ friendly merchants andservices where they will feel good about patronizing and spending their money.

We maintain a very high percentage ofsaturation, farout pacing any form of print or broadcast media. During June 2022, Pride Month, we had over 450,000 unique visits. And over1.2 million clicks that month (See attached metrics). We can put your business infront of nearly a half a million of our LGBTQ viewers.

There is no commitment or contract, you cantry us outmonth to month at $19 or annually at $149. We do all the work, build your action page, distribute it via Google Play andApple Apps on our THEAPP platform. Businesses typically see a 15 to 20 percent rise inthe bottom line after coming on board THEAPP. I haveattached a few examples of the LGBTQ friendlybusinesses that have joined with THEAPP to bringinclusion and diversity to Arizona.