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Because of the unprecedented growth in the online gaming sphere, Ben Jones, Marketing Executive in ICS-digital LLP, examines how this industry has the potential to form the future of amusement


In the past decade, the world of online gaming has expanded massively. Merely to put it in view, 11 percent of total online traffic now comes from internet casino players. The UK's remote gambling industry has seen a 300% growth since 2014's new legislation, reaching almost $6.7bn at the end of last year.

But it is not merely the remote-betting industry that has witnessed a rise, non-remote betting, including bookies and casinos, has also witnessed a strong progress in the past several years. Bingo halls being the sole non-remote gaming sector to not find some form of growth.

You'd assume that the massive increase in distant gambling is due to more and more punters favouring the online procedures of gambling and making the shift away from traditional procedures. But this isn't true; we can see that both industries have seen a strong increase in numbers, showing that online gaming appeals to more than just those who have never gambled as a brand new, convenient and engaging way to place wagers.

When we look at the global gaming industry as a whole, it is no surprise that the online gaming industry has seen such enormous growth.

The most important reason behind gaming's enormous growth in popularity is down to enormous technology improvements in the past decade. It seems pretty simple, but the greater the technology gets, the better the gaming experience gets. 1 huge aspect to online gaming's increase in popularity is that the enormous progress in cellular technology. As the technology improves, accessibility and connectivity also enhance. This enables more players to take part in distant gambling from any place on the planet, providing they have sign.

Gambling has really successfully made the migration from console to cellular in recent years, with mobile gambling getting the fastest growing platform in the market, making up almost 45% of the global gambling market, which sat at a cool $47.5bn at the end of 2017. This is a massive growth of 20% in the preceding year. If you think the average person spends up to 40 hours a week on their mobile device, it is much simpler for programmers and distant gambling brands to market and attract attention from new gamers via a mobile device. Online gambling used to be perceived as a desktop-only way of gambling. But, developers are now creating mobile-only applications as we switch to a more mobile-focused world of online gaming. Players being able to place wagers whenever and wherever has played a massive role in the recognition; pundits can place a last-minute bet in their favorite team or perhaps get given new odds and bets halfway through a match.

Basically, as more and more people join the business, we see participant pools increase and payout levels improve. Another enormous contributing factor is that you're able to put a bet on more or less anything. Whether you are a football fan, a royal family enthusiast or just into politics, then you can put a bet on virtually any outcome in popular culture. It's no longer just sports fans that are taking part in online gambling with the premise of winning cash whilst still following a genuine personal interest. Non-remote gambling sectors simply can not offer you this level of convenience or variety.

Another very important aspect to think about is the gain in female online gamblers in the past couple of years. Back in 2015, the feminine gaming population accounted for just shy of 50% of consumers in the united kingdom. A number of studies have shown that girls not only want to gamble in private, but they also prefer a mobile device. Consequently, they can play comfortably, confidently and feel they are less likely to be intimidated by players. Some huge gambling brands have created