Jim Vecchi - Photography:

The Center of the Universe

  • Details
  • Description
Published by:
Jim Vecchi
Square / 8" x 8"
58 pages Perfect-bound
abstract, art, California contemplation, color, contemporary, landscape, meditation, Modern, photography, Pole

I can remember the hours spent simply looking. When I was a child, all things were worthy of inspection. Even a pole, column, or wire would capture my entire focus and attention. Seen through such eyes, they would take on a sense of dignity, immediacy, and passion. The surrounding landscape would melt into a veiled mystery of color and motion. I would sit in awe, as if at the center of the universe.

This series of photographs is an attempt to recapture that sense of wonder. It is an attempt to return to a vision free of labels, titles, concepts, and categories; to a time before I learned that poles were obstacles to be looked around and beyond.

Also in Jim Vecchi - Photography

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Jim Vecchi - Photography: The Center of the Universe

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