Category: Science & Nature
EdgeScience: EdgeScience 47
Contents FEATURES Is There Truth Behind the Myth? The Field of Geomythology By Timothy J. Burbery Seeing Without Eyes By Andy Hilton…
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The Next Truth: Young People Science Sept/Oct 2021
There is a problem in the world and that is… the bravery deficit and it leads to an unequal representation of women and men in STEM and STE(A)M…
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Mindfield: The Bulletin of the Parapsychological Association: Mindfield 13.1
In the this issue of Mindfield, we attempt to acknowledge the largely North American and European make-up of our membership as perhaps limiting in…
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The Next Truth: The Next Truth September 2021
Will humanity live long enough to figure out how to walk the fabrics of time or, are we already doing this for centauries? Is it possible for a…
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The Next Truth: The Next Truth August 2021
‘The mind sees what it wants to see’ We all have heard this comment multiply times. But, is this really fact? Does our mind, not to be confused…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $12.80 Digital: $2.70 -
New Publication
The Great Whale Conservancy
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MILAGROS DE LA NATURALEZA presenta el fenómeno más enigmático del mundo para el disfrute y la iluminación global. Esta monografía, que contiene…
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MIRACLES DE NATURE présente le phénomène le plus énigmatique du monde pour le plaisir et l'illumination du monde. Contenant à la fois des prouesses…
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WUNDER VON NATUR präsentiert das rätselhafteste Phänomen der Welt für globalen Genuss und Erleuchtung. Diese Monografie enthält sowohl natürliche als…
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MIRACOLI DI NATURA presenta il fenomeno più enigmatico del mondo per l'illuminazione e il divertimento globali.
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $21.20 Digital: $10.80