Blue Sky Books:

Julie Mihaly - The View From Here

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Published by:
Chris Rauschenberg
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
96 pages Perfect-bound
Diana, family, holga, Lina, Mihaly, plastic camera, poetry, snapshot, toy camera

For 40 cents I purchased a “Lina I” toy camera whose plastic lens and light-leaking proclivities would produce some of the loveliest and quirkiest slices of whatever may have been in front of me. It weighed nothing, it defied the avarice of thieves, and required a couple feet of electrician’s tape to stem the myriad ways its construction permitted light to enter its secret chamber. But oh, those foggy highlights, the instant vignetteing and the symmetry of its square. It made me want to look at everything as if I were seeing it for the very first time. Suddenly wherever I might be became a place with a view that called out to be honored.

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Blue Sky Books: Julie Mihaly - The View From Here

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