October 2015:

Men's Fashion

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Published by:
Promo Magazine | NYC
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
78 pages Perfect-bound
Fashion & Style
couture, designers, fashion, International, modeling, photography, promo, September, street fashion, vogue

Men’s fashion, rather bizarrely, is a loaded term – even in men’s fashion magazines. Women’s fashion magazines are called just that. Ours are called style magazines.

It’s true that Promo Magazine is not strictly a fashion magazine. We’re a general interest high fashion title with a strong fashion element, and yet still we’re sometimes shy of saying so, lest it should frighten anyone off. Who, exactly, I’ve no idea, but you can’t be too careful in this business. Or rather, you absolutely can be too careful, and most publications are – which is why they’re so dull.

October 2015: Men's Fashion

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