The AVATAR Logs:

Side trip to Iceland 8x8

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Published by:
Carol Brooks Parker
Square / 8" x 8"
102 pages Perfect-bound
atlantic puffin, eider duck, fine art, glacier, horse, Iceland, icelandic horse, landscape, photography, scenic, Waterfall, whooper swan

Photographer Carol Brooks Parker and her husband have been cruising aboard their boat part time for more than ten years, covering a range to date of 36,000 miles and 18 countries. She writes about their cruising adventures and occasional side trips in her blog, The AVATAR Logs, giving each post the feel of an intimate letter home, sharing her stories in layman's terms with friends and family. Carol's vibrant images illustrate and enhance the dialog, contributing to a dynamic and evolving portfolio of Carol's photography based artwork.

"This book, the original "Side Trip to Iceland 8x8" contains 44 original images, but publishing constraints for the larger size forced me to divide the content between two books. "Icelandic Scenery" contains 24 original images and its companion volume "The Icelandic Horse" also contains 24 images.

All are the result of one of my side trips as I was fortunate to join up with a photo workshop held on a horse farm near Iceland's south coast."

Also in The AVATAR Logs

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The AVATAR Logs: Side trip to Iceland 8x8

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