Honey Mi Lost the Key by LuziaPottery

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Published by:
ana cavaco
Square / 8" x 8"
28 pages Saddle-stitched
adventure, animals, art, cat, children, drawing, freedom, happy, lost, love, poem, SEARCH, whale

"Honey Mi Lost the Key" it's an illustrated poem that develops in rhymes. It's about the search for unconditional love and a place of belonging through the eyes and the imagination of a child. Honey Mi lost the key to open 'something', and the search for this misterious key takes her to unexpected places: sleeping inside pumpkins, making friends with pirate cats and dancing dogs, through experiences of loss and tears but also of pure joy and freedom... untill one day Honey Mi finds herself stuck in a framed picture where she doesn't seem to belong. Struggling with behaviour issues, some of them quite dificult to control, Honey Mi is both swallowed and saved by a humongous whale, but... how she finds this whale and ends up in the deppest of the oceans, you will see. I am not going to spoil the story for you. Honey Mi its a story for both children and adults.

Honey Mi Lost the Key by LuziaPottery

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