Henri, The Dog:


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Published by:
henri félix fortier durand
Poster / 18" x 12"
2 pages
Death, dig, flowers, rocks, tools, worksite

Building a retaining with left over stones, prior to digging out the hole itself, for a section of the house's fondations have to be excavated then, all of it by hand, as there is no space for heavy equipment, unless one uproots trees and all, is kind of chaotic, both at concept and scaffolding level;

Beginning the whole is quite fuzzy, for one must plan each step as it comes, always keeping the 'what' is there now as the 'reference' base, all the while updating it; since this rock abutment rests on pure river sand, then a base, a mixture of all sizes of stones and pebbles has to be incorporated through this sand, before even laying the first row of stones;

A bewildering array of options swirl around me as I dig, plank work paths, roll down the loaded dolly, then slide each heavy rock onto the base matrix, all the while rebuilding the planking up to the next row of a bit smaller rocks;

Here you have the mind print and the actual rock face 'finished', slowly 'aging' into place;

Also in Henri, The Dog

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Henri, The Dog: THE MAKINGS OF

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