DIOGEN pro art magazine No 49_July / August 2014

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Published by:
Sabahudin Hadzialic
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
100 pages Perfect-bound
DIOGEN pro art, Roman Sulejmanpasic

DIOGEN pro art magazine No 49...Roman Sulejmanpašić.... Skilfully binding of the incompatible

Pictures of life stopped within the motion of media called sculptural reflection of possible visions of own future. Of what kind? Of the human, the local one. From archetypal imprints and until our days. Through a mosaic of primordial, over the Renaissance, modern and postmodern, anarchist forms of art messages and all the way to the art of provocation itself-as the art-work of this author certainly is.

Sculpture always was a puzzle to me. Why? I could not, until a meeting with him-provocateur, understand how it is possible to stop the motion and at the same time to feel a constant flow of motion through which the artist sends a message-provocation.

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DIOGEN: DIOGEN pro art magazine No 49_July / August 2014

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