DIOGEN pro art magazine No 42...31.12.2013.

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Published by:
Sabahudin Hadzialic
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
76 pages Perfect-bound
DIOGEN pro art magazine, Ismail Kera, Sabahudin Hadzialic

DIOGEN pro art magazine No 42...Ismail Kera, Czech republic...31.12.2013.Honesty of the presumed virtues...Special editions of DIOGEN Pro art magazine at the end of each year are dedicated to authors who are, in our opinion, over the past year left their own mark on the impression of the presented memories of visual art - cartoons. One of them certainly is Ismail Kera, man with special character, honest "human-nostalgic" unadopted by" his own" and still in searching "at others". Why ? The answer is found in cartoons of the artist who, with his own "naivety” creates reality within the lost aspirations of the human. Naiveté? Yes, but what is sincerety than naivety per se. However, as the avalanche at the beginning was a snowflake, and the naivety by time makes deflection and heading towards the formulation of a special vision - messages of committing.

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