Travelogue: Dreams, Visions, and Reality:

Scenes from a Venetian Carnival

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  • Description
Published by:
chris bickford
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
20 pages Saddle-stitched
abstract, Carnival, classical, color, fantasy, festival, italy, MASK, Mystery, photo-illustration, ritual, venice

"Scenes from a Venetian Carnival" is a collection of photographic composites which blend the atmospheric textures of Venice with scenes from its oldest and most storied public celebration, Carnevale.

The project blends in-the-moment scenarios of the contemporary Venetian Carnival with textural overlays of crumbling walls and ghostly reflections from the city's canals to create a a dream-like landscape in which archetypal figures play out their roles embedded within the ancient time-worn walls of the city. It is a story of lost time, fantasy, and the age-old human instinct to lose oneself in role-play and collective bacchanalia.

This companion book to the print series offers a sampling of the larger work in colorful double-truck spreads.

Also in Travelogue: Dreams, Visions, and Reality

1 other publication

Travelogue: Dreams, Visions, and Reality: Scenes from a Venetian Carniva...

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