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  • Description
Published by:
Albino Jacks
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
36 pages Saddle-stitched
Comics & Graphic Novels
albinojacks, fiction, goldilocks, horror, pinup, Pulp Fiction, retro, trash, vintage

Welcome to the fourth installment from AlbinoJacks. The story follows Goldilocks (played by Ethel Fletcher) as she meanders her way through the forest and stumbles across the Bears' lair. Inevitably, events unfold and lets just say that she had a lasting impression on Daddy Bear.

This piece has been produced as a 36 page piece of vintage-pinup inspired pulp fiction.

The screen simply does not do it justice, so in honour of all things vintage, we are only publishing this piece in its entirety in print. Crazy you say? Well, maybe ... ----- AlbinoJacks is a pulp, trash and sleaze fuelled juggenaut slopping out twisted doses of pinup fiction on our website and in our quarterly magazine featurette.

Also in Albino Jacks Features

3 other publications

Albino Jacks Features: Goldilocks

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