reVisions, the California Missions Photographic Project:

Mission San Juan Bautista reVisions

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  • Details
  • Description
Published by:
larry angier
Square / 8" x 8"
60 pages Perfect-bound
18th Century, california history, California Missions, collection, faith, fine art photography, historic, mission san juan bautista, photography, project, Religion, san juan bautista

Martîn Vargas of Salinas, Carolyn Fox, and Larry Angier both of Jackson crafted 36 of their favorite images to be included in a portfolio exhibition in honor of Mission San Juan Bautista. These photos will be displayed from January 14, 2013, through April 7, 2013, at the National Steinbeck Center in Salinas to raise awareness of both the beauty and the plight of the mission. The National Steinbeck Center hosted three previous shows of the Soledad, San Miguel and San Antonio de Padua photos, and now is readying for the Mission San Juan Bautista reVisions show. A special opening will be held during First Friday on February 1, 2013 at 6 p.m. for the photographers who will talk about their work and experiences with this project. Each of the three photographers participated with Al Weber and his Mission Portfolio Workshop that headlined annual displays at the National Steinbeck Center beginning in 2009. Today that legacy is now a new portfolio exhibition project called Mission reVisions.

reVisions, the California Missions Photographic Project: Mission San Jua...

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