Kikuo Saito and Friends Catalogue

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Published by:
KinoSaito Art Center
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
74 pages Perfect-bound
Caro, frankenthaler, Griefen, Hughto, kikuo, KinoSaito, Landfield, McLean, Noland, Poons, Reginato, Roth, saito, Tint, Walsh, wilkin, williams, Wilson, Zox

Kikuo Saito and Friends: New York City Downtown and Beyond, 1970s and 1980s

Catalogue for exhibition taking place at KinoSaito | 13 May – 17 December 2023

Kikuo Saito and Friends: New York City Downtown and Beyond, 1970s and 1980s, curated by renowned critic Karen Wilkin. This show features artwork by Saito and the close circle of artists that he was associated with for over 20 years.

Featured Artists: Willard Boepple, Anthony Caro, Dan Christensen, Paula DeLuccia, Friedel Dzubas, Helen Frankenthaler, John Griefen, Darryl Hughto, Ronnie Landfield, John McLean, Kenneth Noland, William Noland, Larry Poons, Peter Reginato, Susan Roth, Kikuo Saito, Francine Tint, Ann Walsh, James Walsh, Michael L. Williams, Robert Wilson, and Larry Zox

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Kikuo Saito and Friends Catalogue

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