Wing Chun Illustrated:

Issue 61: August 2021

  • Details
  • Description
Published by:
Wing Chun Illustrated
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
64 pages Perfect-bound
Sports & Leisure
gung fu, Ip Ching, ip man, Kati Rounevaara, kung fu, martial arts, Moy Yat, Veka Rounevaara, Ving Tsun, wing chun, Wing Tjun, Wing Tsun, Wing Tsung, Yip Man

Couples who work together and enjoy it are rare enough, but those who teach Wing Chun full time are even rarer. For the first time in our magazine’s ten-year history, we are delighted to feature a unique Wing Chun couple, Sifu Veka and Sifu Kati Rounevaara. Together, they teach Practical Wing Chun and Qigong at their school Kung Fu Home, in Pori on the west coast of Finland. Sifu Veka has over 20 years of experience in Wing Chun. He is the Regional Director and Head Instructor for Practical Wing Chun and Ironshirt Qigong in Finland and the Philippines. Sifu Kati is the third Sifu in Finland to be approved by Grandmaster Wan Kam Leung.

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Wing Chun Illustrated: Issue 61: August 2021

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