Wing Chun Illustrated:

Issue 59: April 2021

  • Details
  • Description
Published by:
Wing Chun Illustrated
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
64 pages Perfect-bound
Sports & Leisure
gung fu, Ip Ching, ip man, kung fu, martial arts, Marwan Ebeid, Moy Yat, Ving Tsun, wing chun, Wing Tjun, Wing Tsun, Wing Tsung, Yip Man

Issue 59 of Wing Chun Illustrated features Sifu Marwan Ebeid. Sifu Ebeid has been practising martial arts since he was 13 and Wing Chun for over 20 years. In 2016, Sifu Ebeid founded his association Ving Tsun Martial Art (V.T.M.A.), which is accredited by the Ving Tsun Athletic Association in Hong Kong, and from which he also received his Sifu title. In 2018, he became a student of Sifu Evangelos Vasilakis (master student of Sifu Gary Lam) and now represents his teacher in Germany. A primary aim of Sifu Ebeid is to pass-on the system to the next generation, honestly and unadulterated, and produce skilled fighters and masters.

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Wing Chun Illustrated: Issue 59: April 2021

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