Street Life in a Ghost Town

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These photos were taken during the 2020 Covid -19 pandemic. After my gym closed I started to take long walks every day, shooting pictures of the deserted ghost town downtowns near my home in Mountain View, CA. I also took long walks by the San Francisco Bay. I had never done street photography on a sustained basis before, having done it only short term in locales such as London, Paris or New York. As shelter in place orders were declared, the downtown of my home city, 5 blocks away, began to seem like an exotic and far away place, with most of the businesses closed for months and the streets eerily quiet without people or traffic. It seemed like a post apocalyptic ghost town, suddenly abandoned in the center of the heart of Silicon Valley. I went to many surrounding ghost town downtowns; Los Altos, Sunnyvale, Redwood City, and Palo Alto and took dozens of walks through Mountain View. These photos are a visual and social record of those many walks over a 3 month time period in the Corona Zones.

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Street Life in a Ghost Town

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