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Published by:
Ann Kullberg
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
24 pages Saddle-stitched
Art Project, colored pencil tutorial

How do you make things look wet, in colored pencil?

Scott's beautiful tutorial will show you how, step by simple step. Starting with a lovely gray Canson paper, you will take a complicated still life and break it down into sections that are easily rendered.

Begin with a value study, then build color and finally, apply the layers that make each rock come alive with glisten and shine.

Textures, pastels, water and a vibrant, nature inspired color palette - it's all here in this amazing summer project!

You won’t believe how simple it is, and once you’re finished, you’ll be able to recreate the kiss of water on rocks and other solid objects.

This finished piece will look fabulous hanging proudly on your wall!

Also in Colored Pencil at-home Mini-Workshops

1 - 3 of 29 other publications

Colored Pencil at-home Mini-Workshops: In-Depth - River Rocks

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