DIOGEN pro culture magazine, No 97, May 2019

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Published by:
Sabahudin Hadzialic
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
66 pages Perfect-bound

DIOGEN pro culture magazine, No 97, May 7 2019...Eroticism of the inner being... The beauty of undiscovered within the art-works of Johannes Vermeer is the act aimed at seeking the answer to the appearance of the civilization moment in which he was creating. The seventeenth century was, in a renaissance way, renewing the essence of humanity in the unconsciousness of ambition to present a human in his/her fullness.

A human - woman who is a sui generis creation and presented as an inspiration of human-man within a comprehensive vision of the essence of humanity as such.

The brightness and fullness of colors, with stopped moves within the creation of an institutionally targeted connection of music, weaving, geography, agriculture and astronomy within the interweaving of the speech of the spirit and the body, expose the erotic to the inner being of human, above all....

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DIOGEN: DIOGEN pro culture magazine, No 97, May 2019

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