The Hockey Season:

THS - February 2011 - Issue 1

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  • Details
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Published by:
Hockey Science and Technology publications
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
20 pages Saddle-stitched
Sports & Leisure
Apps, arenas, Chris Kontos, clothing, coach, Dean Sprung, fundraising, goalie, hockey, iPhone, music, nhl, rink, skates, skating, synthetic ice, twitter

Many dream of playing professional hockey but not many dream of writing and releasing a hockey song. Sit back and read about Darrin Cranney's music career.

“The coach said my skating needs to improve.” Learn about how High Speed Hockey has developed players' skills.

The social hockey community is full of interesting people, places and things. Meet Psycho Lady Hockey.

The Hockey Threads section features the clothing line from She Plays Hockey.

What happens after a player's professional career? Read about Chris Kontos and how his product will give you a competitive edge on the ice.

How do you pick captains and assistant captains? Two coaches weigh in on their selection process.

Meet Joe Drexler and learn about how lows in life has lead to new highs. The iSponsorHockey section tells his story.

Destination: Powerade Centre, Brampton, ON. We'll take you on tour of the facility and share some of its history.

From the Back of the Bus, a featured intern writes about the game.

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The Hockey Season: THS - February 2011 - Issue 1

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