
Vertical Hold Wrap Knitting Pattern

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Published by:
Lisa Clarke
Pamphlet / 8.25" x 10.75"
4 pages Half-Fold
Crafts & Hobbies
colorwork, cowls, garter stitch, knitting, neckwarmers, scarves, shawls, wraps

Vertical Hold is a simple tirangle shawl, consisting of two solid-colored sections and five striped sections knit with six equal portions of differently-colored yarns. Use a set of gradient mini skeins as shown in the sample, or choose six completely different hues for a bolder look.

Knit entirely in garter stitch, Vertical Hold is perfect for a beginner, or anyone who is not particularly fond of purl stitches.

The sample is knit in 100-yard skeins of DK weight merino, but you can substitute a different weight or a different yardage. To use a different weight and/or yardage, follow the instructions by length, which are given in brackets in each section. If you do choose a different yarn weight, be sure to also adjust your needle size, choosing one that gives you a nice drapey fabric.

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Knitting: Vertical Hold Wrap Knitting Pattern

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