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Published by:
Mark Randall
Poster / 12" x 18"
2 pages
Alien, braxton, County, crashed, cryptid, monster, mysterious, paranormal, rural, ufo, West Virginia

September 12, 1952- Flatwoods, West Virginia.

Several young boys watch as a mysterious glowing object crosses the sky and land on the hill of a local farmer. After stopping at the home of Mrs. Kathleen May, who they excitedly tell the incident to, she decides to accompany the boys to the nearby farm to investigate. By now it is quite dark. As they make their way up the path, they encounter a noxious odor that makes their eyes, nose and throat burn. Suddenly, their flashlights reveal a large, metallic creature that hisses and glides toward them. Without hesitation, the group flees in terror!

Also in Mark A. Randall Creative Artist

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Mark A. Randall Creative Artist: Flatwoods Monster

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