Hugs and Stardust

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Published by:
Mary Rose
Pamphlet / 8.25" x 10.75"
4 pages Half-Fold
Crafts & Hobbies
knitting, knitting pattern, writing instructions

Two different sizes, two different cast on methods and two different (yet the same) stitch patterns for an infinity loop. Long, short, wide, narrow, single color or with contrast border, take your pick.

Starting with Cat Bordhi’s Moebius cast on (or not if you prefer) this selection of infinity loops can be draped once, twice or three times (for the largest size) around your neck for a variety of looks. Pick a size, cast on type and stitch pattern to make a cowl that is as unique as you are.

Designed for Unplanned Peacock Studio’s 2016 Rainbow Unicorn of Love fundraiser for Urban Peak a portion of the pattern proceeds will be donated annually to Urban Peak to help fund their work with homeless youth.

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Hugs and Stardust

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