McDowell Eskesen (penbadge02)

According to of Hanoi Law enforcement, the whole town has about two, 000 prostitutes and over 10, 1000 service establishments together with conditions, sensitive in order to security and order; prostitution and lovemaking stimulation activities in massage and hair bath establishments.

Typically the area where many facilities are operating in disguise are surrounding areas, along the traffic routes in some districts this kind of as Cau Giay, Tay Ho, Anordna Dong, Pham Truck Dong - Ferry-boat Tu Liem...

was imprisoned by the government bodies (illustration image) Prostitution activities tend to increase, develop diversely, in many forms such as by means of social networks Facebook, Zalo... or through brokers who will be members regarding sex sites to advertise. uploading pictures, phone numbers plus naming them on the internet so that consumers who buy sexual intercourse contact to work out the price and location of buying and selling sex.

Mature Lieutenant Colonel Le Huy, Deputy Mind of the Legal Police Department stated, Hanoi City Law enforcement will build a database and software program to manage the number of prostitutes in the particular area.

? Hanoi law enforcement and other models such as: Typically the Department of Evils Prevention is creating software to manage prostitutes. In fact , from present, the visitors is very easy, there are objects from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi on tour in addition to then back. Inside implementing the Law about administrative violations, the number of information within the centers we will synthesize to be able to manage according to be able to software, facilitating supervision? - Senior Lieutenant Colonel Le Huy said.